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How to Water:
  • To gauge watering, simply place an empty can about 6” away from the sprinkler.
  • When there is an inch of water in the can, it is time to move the sprinkler to the next area.
  • Reflected heat along buildings dries sod quickly, be sure to water such areas more often.
When to Water:
  • Soak the sod once a day for the 1st week both in the morning and at night. (With a noon soaking there is water loss through evaporation)
  • Soak every other day for the 2nd week. After the sod knits to the ground, water as needed.
  • During periods of 85 degrees or above, the sod may need watering twice a day.
  • A good visual que that the Lawn needs watering is when Bluish gray spots appear in the lawn and footprints stay in the grass long after being made.
When to Mow:
  • Your new living carpet generally needs mowing 6-7 days after installation.
  • The basic mowing rule is never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade during a single mowing.
  • Mow when grass height reaches 3”-3 1/2”
  • Set your mower at a cutting height of 3”
  • For best appearance be sure to keep your mower blades sharp.
Traffic Caution:
  • Use your newly-sodded lawn sparingly until good root establishment has taken place. This may be2-3 weeks.
  • Avoid concentrated play activities, dog traffic or similar rough usage until 4 weeks have passed.
  • There are no restrictions on visually enjoying your beautiful new lawn!
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